Hangover cures: Most effective home remedies
You may feel drunk after drinking even a small amount of alcohol. A hangover is when you have unpleasant physical and mental symptoms after drinking too much alcohol the previous night. Still, there are several evidence-based ways to avoid or limit the unpleasant symptoms that typically follow a night of drinking. In fact, NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and aspirin are often used to reduce pain and treat issues that frequently accompany hangovers, such as headaches and muscle aches (22).
Eat some eggs.
Despite the prevalence of hangovers, there has been little research into developing effective treatments. Of the studies that are available, most are of low quality and remain inconclusive. Alcohol is a diuretic, which means that it marijuana addiction increases the amount of urine a person passes. The resulting loss in fluid can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.
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While it’s best to avoid a hangover in the first place by not drinking so much, you can ease symptoms by staying hydrated and getting rest. Getting food in your belly the morning after a night of imbibing can give blood sugar levels a needed boost, says Dr. Waters. But filling your already stressed stomach with greasy, heavy food isn’t the best option. “Sports drinks will elevate blood glucose and can elevate sodium levels, which help muscle cells uptake and use water, leading to quicker rehydration,” explains McCall.
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- The lack of research has left room for a wide range of myths to develop about the best ways to cure a hangover, most of which rely on anecdotal evidence.
- However, these results are inconsistent, and other factors may be involved.
- It won’t make the symptoms go away and will just increase alcohol toxicity.
- It is best to avoid taking any medicines immediately after drinking.
- Alcohol can also trigger migraines, so some people may think they’re hung over when it’s really an alcohol-induced migraine they’re suffering.
- For others, it’s a pounding headache and an aversion to loud voices and sunlight.
- But filling your already stressed stomach with greasy, heavy food isn’t the best option.
Moreover, consuming alcohol along with such protein-rich foods can reduce the risk of a hangover later. In addition, hangovers often cause sufferers to miss work and school and not perform optimally. As poor balance and vertigo are common symptoms while blood alcohol levels are dropping, falls and accidents are also a danger.
For example, drinking more alcohol (“hair of the dog”) won’t help a hangover. More alcohol just increases the toxicity of the alcohol already in your body. Most people who get hangovers can diagnose themselves how long does a hangover last based on their alcohol consumption and symptoms.